The Use of Driving Down

The Use of Driving Down

Schmidt (France) in His Report Announced the Plateau Common in France, Formed from A Curved Steel Sheet and Concrete Layer, The Joint Workh S Ensured by the Use of Inclined Steel Flexible Stops and upper Rods. Currently, The Passing Part Used Iso Used More Broodly As An Element of Supporting Structure, Which Leads to the Spatial Work of the Structure. All ABOUT ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT Management in Ukraine OUR WebSite. TheREFORE, The Development and Implementation of Methods of Such a Spatial Calculation Acquires The Most Important Practical Significife. On the Issue of Aerodynamic Stability of the Hanging Bridges of Large Spans, the Leonardt (Germany) Report Presented to Congress, in Which He Pviusly Analyzed CTIONS OF SOME HANGING BRIDges in Terms of Their Aerodynamic Stability. He Quite Rightly Described the Cross Section of the Famous Such as Span of 855 M, Which in 1940., Due to the Sharp Development of FlUntuations that arose Under the Influence of the Wind of Significant Intensity, Span, Suspended to Supporting Cables. The Use of Driving Down, Continous Stiffeneers with Axes Equal To Evrything — To a Large EXTENT CONTRIBUTED to AerodyNAMIC STABILITY The Bridge. The Aerodynamic Characteristics of the Other American Hanging Bridge Mokinak with an Average Span of 1140 M, Which Have Through Beams of Stifness 12 M High With A Distance Betweenen T Heir Axes of 20.4 And with Longitudinal Ties in the Plane of the Lower Belts of the Beams, Arre More Favorable.