DIY Construction and Repair.

DIY Construction and Repair. Beams After a Certain Time, Under the Influence of Atmosphereic Precipitation, Change their Color and Rot. In Order to Prevent. To find out Which Structural Beams Are Damage, They ShoupPed with A Wooden Hammer. In the Process of Tapping, Areas of Beams Will BeAarly Heard, In Which Voids Were Formed. HAVING DETERMINed the Areas of the Lesion On the Beam, it is opened with a chisel or ax, While Opening Access to the Void. The Degree of Defect is Determined if the Cross -Sctional Damage is 50%, The Beams Must Be Replaced Immedel, It Cannot Be Restored to Retoration. The Percentage of Damage Is Small, The Beam is Repaired, For This The Surface of the Beam Is Checked For Humidity. If the Humidity is too Large, the Beams are left for a will the Necessary for its Drying. After Drying, The Entire Rotten Part of the Beam, Small Chips, Sawdust, and Dirt Are Lined with A Vacuum Cleaner. Before Filling the Void on Its Surface, Impregnation Is Applied. After that, you can buy a car in a nuclearine. The Open Void Inside the Beam is Eliminated with Synthetic Resin and Quartz Sand, Sometimes Wood Flour Is Adeded. On Sale there Epoxy, Acrylic, Polyester Resins, Each of them Is Qualitate Suitable for Filling the Voids. Mix The MIXTURE, ShOULD BE StricTly According to the Instructions. Small Cracks on the Surface of the Beams Are Eliminated by Putty. Put the Putty with a spatula, Removing an Excess Solution ImmediaTely. Cracks NEED to be FILLED CAREFULLLLY AND TIGHTLY SOT THEY Do Not the Space in Which Water Falls. In Winter, Water Freezes, and Tears a Crack, Increasing Its Size, Destroying the Beams. HAVING COMPLENTED THE RETORANTION OF THE BEAMS to Give Them the Same Color, It Shoup Be Opened with a Stain. The Performance of Work Will Save A Wooden Structure for a Long Time, Giving Ita Bright View.