Before Creating a Project, Its Necessary to Clearly Realize the Purpose of Its Development.

Before Creating the Project and the Decision to Invest Certain Means in IT, Its Necessary to Clearly Realize the Purpose of Its Development.

Making Material Profit from Your Own Site Is the Goal of Most of the Runet Users (More than 60%). And Even If the IS Not Initially Aimed At Making Profit, He Will Still Bring a Certain Benefit To His Creator in the Future. Initially, The Correct Creation of Annline Store or Other Project Is Able to Lead You to the Goal. It is Necessary to Determine The Subject of the Project and Study Competition in this Topic. It Offen Happens that Arny Many Competitive One A Similar Topic and Almost Similar Content, Which Have Long Settled on the Network. TheFore, Stop on the Site Whose is Closest to You and Understands and Which Has Fewer Competitors. The Promotion of the Project Will has to be invested, the amount of Which Directly Dependes on the Competivence of the Site. IF YOUR AUTHORA of MANY IntERESTING ARTICES OR JUD A Good Copywriter, Th IT is Possible and not at All Invester.