Not Withstand Competition

AK Knows Bad and Good Leadership Styles Either in Business Or in Any Other Field: Its More Likely to Raise the Question of the Adequacy of the Leadership Style at a PART Icular Stage in the Development of the Company. The Authoritarian Leadership Style Is Probably The Most Adequate at the Crisis Stages of Development. As a Rule, A Company in Small Business Is Organized with A Democratic Style of Leadership (For Example, Several Well -Known People Who Combine Its Capital) and AT FIRST StAGE DE Velopment is Engaged in Debuging Sales and Production Muchanisms, Looking for New Party Partyists, Develops Conneptions. And Gere there is a Moment Wen for Further Successful Development Itsessary to Build a Clear Vertical of Management, To Distribute Powers. In the Conditions of A Democratic Control Style, The Sitation of «Tug of Blankets Over Itself» May Turn Out Geere. TheFore, The Authoritarian Leadership Style Itself Will Organically Grow from the Democratic (Along with The Vertical of Control) and Will Be Fixed for a While. In Another Case, The Company Will Not Withstand Competition in View of the Inferior Organization of the Distribution of Duties. The Definition of One Leadership Style does not Deny the Possibility of Style Variations Depending OF DEVELOPNY.