Smart tape, with

Advantages of Allure Floor and Contesse Floor

Allure Floor and Contesse Floor can be laid down without resorting to expensive services — installers. There is no need to align anything specially under such a floor. It can be laid on any old surface — at least on a laminate and parquet, even on linoleum and tiles, and even on a concrete screed or special warm floors. At the same time, additional materials are not needed, and the whole family from home, while repairs, is not required, is not required .. . And all because the Allure Floor and Contesse Floor have a unique smart tape, with which all the strips are very simply glued together, so that a single integral surface is obtained! There is another method of installation by Allure Floor and Contesse Floor — on mechanical locks. Such a floor is easily dismantled … and transfer to a new apartment.