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Sales of translucent structures should be aware of and be able to explain to the client the fundamental fact that installation quality is the most important factor in the quality of the PVC window in St. Petersburg as a whole and determines the qualities of its work during its further operation. The ability to convey to the buyer information about the importance of high -quality installation, the implementation of installation work strictly in accordance with the norms, guests and rules accepted in the industry as a patch of further quality work of the window during operation, there is the most important manager’s skill, which he must master impeccably. The sales manager of plastic windows should be able to explain that 80% of the complaints usually occur precisely on the process of installing structures and this is serious objective reasons. These reasons include the lack of proper control over the installation process both from the executor of the work (company) and from the customer. Indeed, the customer cannot and is not able to control the quality of installation work on the installation of windows simply due to the lack of special knowledge and experience in this industry. The company, as a rule, also does not control the installers due to the fact that the control system itself will inevitably lead to an increase in the cost of the order. And what to do: control at the end of work has relative efficiency since installation work is work primarily hidden. Planting a controller during the installation of plastic structures is very costly, and who will guard the guards.