Repair of buildings

Today, the process of repairing buildings and structures is characterized by modern technological and high complexity, and in this regard, highly qualified specialists are needed to carry out this process, in all the intricacies of the art of construction work. In addition, new technologies for the production of various types of construction work, in connection with the use of new materials, require large labor costs and the availability of good professional tools. The repair of buildings can be divided into three categories: cosmetic repairs, current repairs and capital. Regardless of the type of repair, it is always carried out in stages. Compliance with the stages of repair is a prerequisite for the production of repair and construction work. For example, cosmetic repairs are aimed at improving the external appearance of the building, t. e. for various decoration work. During the current repair, the recovery is subject to the functioning of individual structural elements. One of the most complex and costly is a major overhaul, in which the supporting elements of buildings and structures are subjected to dismantling and reverse installation.