Special household

Many owners of free square meters rightly believe that it makes no sense to spend money on expensive repairs on the eve of the settlement of tenants. But getting together with strength and do general cleaning will be useful for any room. There is a very good technique: put yourself in the place of the future tenant and evaluate the living conditions from the position “If I wanted to rent this room or apartment, so that I like it or did not like it”. And so it is clear that few people will like the jamming blinds, dangling on the snot door of the cabinet, a lump of pieces of paper, contributing to the stability of the dining table, stains on the windows, flowing or not twisting crane. To eliminate all these shortcomings, it will take a little time and a minimum of qualifications, in extreme cases, you can contact special household repairs services. In other words, the owner of the apartment needs to create optimal conditions for living, so that later the tenants did not have to prove that the neighbors were flooded through their fault, because the crane was almost working and could serve as a year or two.