UKRAINE CREATES FAVoraBle Conditions for Lending To Small and Medium -sized Entrepreeneurs

The Legislation is Due. That the state will be allocated funds to a ceretain amount, Which Will Go to the Provision of Loans and Microcredits for Doing Business, As Well as For Its Strap-Appa. The state Also Promised Guarantees and Guarantees for Loans of Small and Medium -sized EntrePrends AIMEDTEGRATIGENTING New Technologies, and Paying Expenses Compensation. Related to the Process of Development of Cooperations. HERE THE BILL ALSO Affected Large Entrepreeneurs. In this Bill, SOME RESTRICTIONS WERE ALSO Given. Thus, Support Will Not Be ProvideD to Enterprises Engaged in Sales, As Well as the Production of Tobacco and Alcohol Products, Weapons, Credit and Intivites, AS Well As lombard Owners. Here Restrictions are Also Imposed ON NON -STATE Pension Funds and Investment Funds. The Main Points of the Program for Supporting Small and Medium -sized Businesses Were Simplife and Modernizing Accounting at Enterprises Purposes, As Soll as Simpli Fying the System of Taxation and Accounting and Reporting Systems in Accordance with the Criteria Indicated in the Tax Code of Ukraine. On the Whole state, the state relies on the development of the agricultural secretor and entreepreneurship, in Order to at leas -somehow raise the service. Lending to these areas is Associated with Huge Risks that Banks are not Ready to go to to, butt is that role of the state aphfect the site, Changing IT inn E Opposite Direction. In Turn, The Improvement of the Country’s Economy Will Best in the Best Way to Affect the Banking System.