In Order to Insalate the Balcony, It Will Not Be Enough to Glaze It, SincE The Floor and Wall Will Be Quite Cold. That is Whoe Will to Adhere to Simple Rules that Will Help You Make the Balcony Warmer: • After You Have Been Glazed by the Will Need to InteLata Fro M the Inside. SINCE now there ARE A LARGE NUMBER of Insulation MATERIALS, YOU Can do this work Yourself.• SINCE THE BALCONY DOES NOTOOOO MUCH Space, You Will Need to Strive for Minimal Loss of Area.• During How You Perform the Insulation of the Balcony, You NEED Not to overload it, but adher to the norms of snip.• In Order for the Balcony to be Heated, you cantem of warm Floors Here, Sincy IS Impossible toransfer Or LengThen The Main Worn Pipes.