High -tech Toilets to Save Lives — Attraction of a Big Business.

In OUR World, ABOUT 2.5 Billion People and Most of them Do Not Have Access to Elementary Standards of Basic Sanitation. In the Whole Country, 1.5 million children die every year from amenable to prevent diseases, as a result there was an urgent need to search for sustainable solutions for the prevention of this ancient human problem. BUT THIS IS Not only A Humanitarian Problem, But Also Sober Weighing of Economic Solutions. Assessment of the United Nations in Achreading the Goal of “Millennial” Sanitation Can Save Us and Improve of Labor Productivity, Preventing Diseases and Death. Sanja Bhatnagar, The Head of the Water Health International Executive Body, Which Is Supplying Water and the Insption of Water Treatment in the Ranks of Developing Cou NTRIES, QUOTED THE FOLLOWING: Each Dollar Spent on Improving Sanitary Norms Generates Nine Times More, Exceling the Amounts Of Economic Benefit. In Short, Poor Labor is the Result of the Unproductivence of the Enterprise, and Improving Health Productions Labor Production. In Connection with this Issue, The Best Scientists and Inventors of the Technological Tools of Know Were Involved.