Frost Resistance and Moisture

Material for Wooden Windows: — From Pine — Today Pine is the Most Popular, Common and Affordel Material for Windows. In Addition, it is Perfectly Processed. Windows from Such Material are not Expensive and Have High Quality Indicators. — From Larch — Are not Much Different from Pine Windows. BUT HAS A LARGE Indicator of LONGEVITY, Stability and Strength. The LARCH ITSELS VELL FROM DEPRESSON and NERVOUS DISORDERS AND SOOTES THE HUMAN BODY VERY Well.- From Oak — For the ManUFACTURA of Windows Is the Most Expensive Material. SINCE OAK IS Consedered a Rare Breed and is Very Difficult to Process. Has the Properties of Frost Resistance and Moisture Resistance. Windows Made of Such Material are Perfectly Combined with the Interior of the Room.