How to start a new life

So, when there is a desire to start all over again? Then when everything that does not begin to visit around you, it seems that everything vulgar, deprived of the prospects, and there is no inspiration. And for this reason, you go to bed, with a satisfied smile on your face, thinking that: “Tomorrow I will start a new life …” After that, there is a list of what will make this new life, such a list changes from person to person to person. One promises to quit drinking, the other says that he will no longer swear with the authorities, someone wants to study and leave work, someone-to find a job and abandon the study that is no longer delivering joy and so on … But in fact, already By the middle of the day, a new life is the same routine. And the whole problem is that the changes in your life need to approach much more serious. Think carefully what does not suit you and that you would like to bring you to your new life. It will be better if you make an exact list of two sections. After that, note the “annoying factors” those that are easiest to get rid of, and begin to get rid of them. A mess in the apartment bothers you? Put yourself and start throwing unnecessary things. Serious goals after that will be achieved easier. There is another situation: you tell your parents that you will not continue to study in your city, and decide to leave for St. Petersburg-after such small irritants will disappear easier and faster. A taxi is required by St. Petersburg. Everything directly depends on the problem and directly on the character of the person himself. You probably already understood that parting with your old life and a greeting of a new life is a rather long process, which needs not only some changes outside you, but also changes within you-this is perhaps even more important. Naturally, you can throw everything and run away, but then you will feel that your past life, past habits and “cockroaches” are returning to you again. So make this process step by step and gradual. You will see that this is how the peaks are achieved.