Paint doz not through

FIRST of all, it shoup ​​be understood that use of Water in the Paint doz not through Drying the Paint on the Painted Surface, It Will Still Solelfle Solelfare. The Polymer Film Formed on the Wall Gradalli Gains Its Strength Within A Few Weeks and Becomes Completly Intert To Water. In Addition, Water -solble Paints have A Different Purpose — For the Ceiling, For Dry and For Wet Rooms. The Paint for the CEILINGS THE LEAST Resistant, BUT THE PAINT FOR Wet ROOMS Canstand A LONG -TERM Exposure to Hot Steam, Condensate, As Well as Regulr Wet Washinging. BUT YOUD NOTED THE THE THE THE SURFACE REGULARLY IMMERSED in Water Canteed with Ordinary Waterproof Paint, Special and Much More Expensive Colors are the RPOSES.