A table and

Many people prefer to make gazebos in the rustic style. This is due to the desire to take a break from the city, to go away from it at least for a while. Typically, gazebos in this style are made of wood log house. But if your gazebo is made of brick or concrete, pour it with wood. To maintain a rustic style in the gazebo, you need to put a table and chairs from natural wood. A real Russian samovar with a boot, hook into the center of the table. It will definitely surprise your guests. Old photos in the framework of decorate the walls. Put a pitchfork or poker in one corner of the gazebo, and in another broom with an artificial web. On the right, at the entrance to the gazebo, it is necessary to put a wooden bench, you can sit on it with a warm evening. The rustic style of the gazebo is emphasized by fishing torn nets hanging on the windows instead of curtains.