Are dosed into

They are made by continuous molding by specialized rolling mills or in cassette forms. This method, which has become widely used, has very high technical and economic indicators. The production uses four bunkers, of which two are filled with gypsum, and two are filled with sand and sawdust. Then these materials are dosed into a special tray, where the contents of all bunkers are mixed. Then this mixture enters the gypsum concrete mixer, where continuous mixing with water occurs and the composition of the slow -down setting gypsum. After all this, the mixture enters the rolling mill for molding. On the rolling camp, there are already made in advance wooden reinforcing cages. Then the gypsum mass enters through the gap between the rolls that press the mass and give the size of the panel in thickness. The further movement of the already formed mass along the ribbon of the rolling mill enables it to freeze. After that, the already finished panel is sent to Rologang, after which it is transported to the editor. Then the panel is removed and sent to dry.