Carpet Tiles

Carpet Tiles

CARPET TILES in Appension are Similar to Carpet, But the Difference is that dos not have aontinous look, but is sold in the Form of Small Squares. The Advantages of Carpet Tiles in Its Easy Installation and the Ability to Combine Any Pattern You Neeed. Preparation for the Begining of Styling. FIRST You Need to Cheat and Clean The Surface of the Floor in Your Room. Highlight all The Garbage and Solve Some Irregularites, if They Exist. Next, You can start markeing. Determine the Central Point of Your Room and Draw Two Perpendicular Lines Through IT. In the Angle that Has Formed, The First Tile Will Be Placed, Wich Which The Installation Will Begin. After the Marking Is Ready to Put the Material Around the Entire Perimeter of the Room and Let it get to the TEMPERATURA DURING THE DAY and Take The Desired Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape Shape. When Installing Interiors with your Own Hands, You Shoup Carry Outscording to the Instructions and Try Not to Make Mistakes.