Ceramzitthonous Blocks

Ceramzitthonous Blocks

Expanded Concrete Or Light Concrete — A Material In Which Expanded Clay, Unlim Convention Concrete, Where The Aggregate Is Tradeitallly CruShed Stone AS AS Main Aggregate. TheFore, The Main Advantages of this Type of Blocks Are Closely Related to the Advantages of Expanded Clay. FIRST of All, Its Heat — And Sound Insulation, Moisture Resistance and Lightness. There is A Structural, Structural-Heat-Insulating and Thermal Insulation Expanded Clay Concrete. Ceramzitton Earned Its Popularity thans to Such Properties as:- Environmental Friendliness. The Material Acquired this Item Due to the Use of Clay Burned AT A Certain Temperature in the Production of Expanded Clay.- Fire.- Chemically Stable.- 2.5 Times Easier than Ordinary Concrete, Which Quite Greatly Reduces the Load on the Foundation of the Building.- Has the Ability to «Breathe» Due to Its Bubble Structure. This property is especially indispensable in country houses, where it is necessary to maintain a certain microclimate and prevent a sharp temperature fluctuation in different rooms. YOU CHOOSE and ORDER Expanded Clay Concrete Blocks in Many Online Stores, Suchch as Facade Slabs, Which Will Save From Extra Spending Times for a Trip TO A Constru Ction Store. You can also discuss therms of delivery and Purchase Price There. Sales Managers Will Advise You On All Necessary Issues. Summing Up, We Can that Expanded Clay Concrete Blocks Are Currently Considered Popular Material of Both Private and Industrial Construction. This is Primarily Due to Certain Positive Characteristics that Combine the Advantages of the Lightness and Environment Nature of Wood and the Strength and Wear Resistance of the ST One, with an adequate market price of the matrial.