Chief Accountant and His Liability

IF the Company Has the Position of Chief Accountant, then it Involves Different Types of Responsibolyti of this Official. The Chief Accountant Is Accept for the Position and Is Relied of It Only by the Head of the Enterprise. But if for All Employees The Trial Period Varies From One to Three Months, The Chief Accreted to Six Months. The Reason for the Dizmissal of the Chief Accountant May Be the Adoption of Unreasonable Decased the Damage to the Property of the Company. But if the Owner of the Company Is Changing, The Has the Right to Change the Person Holding this Position. When Entering Work, The Chief Accountant Signs Documents in Which All His Responsibilites are Prescribed in Detail. But in Addition to the Contract, All the Duties of the Chief Accountant Are Reflected in the Provisions on the Accounting Service. Each Chief Accountant Is, First of All, A Financially Responsight Person. IF, According to the Employment Contract, this Liability Has a Limited Framework, The Its Size Cannot Be More Average Monthly Earnings. With Full Material Liability, The Chief Accountant Has Compensation for All Losses that Enterprise Will Suffer Due to the Fault of the Chief Accouuntant.