Country House: Sandwich Panels or Log?

What to Build a House in the Country? Perhaps This Question is Asked by EVERY GARDENER WHO Deceded to please Himself with a New Dwelling on the Site. The Basis of Future Construction Is the Goal For Which The House Is Being Built. It can be a house for a Weekend or Residence for Round -Clock Residence. Based on this and the size of the budget, you need to chouose the material. Simple and Fastest Is the Construction of Sandwich Panels. This is a Relatively inexpensive Material that allows you to make a house in the shortest possible time. The Panel Is Two Layers of Galvanized Iron with a Heater Concluded Between Them (For Example, Mineral Wool or Polytyrene Foam). The Construction of the House Is Light, and the Foundation Will Not Be Very Costly (Enough Pillars that Will Carry Weight). Sandwich Panels do not Require Exterior Decoration, But Are not Yet Afraid of Long Frosts. Panels — Universal Building Material. IS Easy to Assemble a Garage or Summer Kitchen from Them.