Determination of

The Test Load in this Case a Four -xis Locomotive with a Total Weight of ABOUT 61 Tons with A Distance Between The Exteme Axes of 4.29 m. Verzhbitsky (Poland) Theoretically Consedered in His Report the Curvilinear in Terms of the Beam Multi -span Bridge, AS A Curved Polygonal Rod, Taking Into Accounut Tical Bending and Steep Rigidity, and in the Assumption of the Presence of a Fracture of Support. With the Same Sides of the Broken Line, Using the Method of Final Differences, IT Receded An Approximate Solution that Determination of the Updated (Reduced) Span of Bendin G Moments; The Moments Are Reduced with An Increase in the Steeper Stiffness of the Span and with Ancrease in the Angle of Overclocking of the Polygonal Line in the Plan, And The Twi Sting Moments Increase. The Report of Agngura (UAR) Investigated the Spatial Work of Oblique Flights with A Ride and the Distribution of Efforts in Them and Its Shown Tharms Are Loadeded O A Lesser Extent, Compared with Their Calculation As Flat Structures, and the Longitudinal And Transverse Relations Carry More Intense Work. The Degree of Such a Redistribution of Efforts Increases with An Increase in the Relative Width of the Span and the Corner of the Pigeeon.