

Modern Building Materials are Largly Different from Those Used Twenty Years Ago. Thanks to modern Production Technologies, Many of them Have Largely Improved Properties, Which undubtedly affections. What is enamel? All Enamels Are Paintworks Materials, Which Include Various Film -Forming Substances. Thanx to their Composition, Enamel Is Perfectly Falling on Almost Any Surface. After that. How the Enamel Dries, A Fairly Dense Smooth Coating is Formed On the Surface. This coating is Very Resistant to Various External Influences, Such AS, For Example, Temperature Or Humidity Changes. ENAMEL IS Distinguished by Alkyd and Acrylic. Alkyd Enamel IS Used to Cover Various Kinds of Metal and Wooden Surfaces, And Acrylic Enamels Arelly Ussed to Cover Objects That Are Use Use, For Example, For Painting Fur Niture, Doors and Windows. This type of enamel Has Fire-Fighting Properties, and Also Absolutly Do Not Distinguish Any Toxic Fums Harmful to the Human Body. IT Shoup Also BE NOTED THE TIME of COMPLETE DRYING of SURFACES COVERED with these Types of Enamel. Alkyd Enamels Dry for a Long Time, While Highlighting a Fairly Shaarp and Unpleasant Smell. The Drying Time of Acrylic Enamels Is Much Less, While No Unpleasant Smell When The Acrylic Enamels Dried. IT ShOULD ALSO BE NOTED THAT BEFORE Applying Painting Materials to Any Surface, It Shoup Be Pre -Treted with A Primer.