Features of the Liquidation Procedure of the Enterprise

The Liquidation of Firms, Enterprises and Legal Entities is Widly Used in the Crisis. The Liquidation of the Enterprise Means that for some reason the Business Has Stopped Making A Profit and Developing It Further does Not Make Sense. This Process is not so simple. Indeed, it is Much Easier and Faster to Organize a New Enterprise to Eliminate it. In fact, there ARA A LOT of A Wide Variety of Methods to Liquidate an Enterprise or Company. The Most Popular of them: “Throwing the Enterprise”, A Change of Leadership and Founders, Reorganization of Society.“Throwing an Enterprise” Is Performed When The Enterprise Has No Reports on Finance and Economic. If we Exclude the Debt to the State Budget, The LEADERSHIP and the Founders are Changing. Когда имеется необходимость оградить себя от вероятных притязаний у налоговых служб, делают реорганизацию общества, – сообщает сайт. After the Liquidation of a Legal Entity, Its Activities Are Terminated Without Transferring Duties and Rights to Successors. AFTER The Notification of the Enterprise and the Competent Authorites ABOUT THE START of the PROCEDURE, The Decision ShOULD BEADOPTED ABOUT ABOUT ABOUT ABOUT Stering Authority, Despite the Fact that Corresponding Inspections Were Carrried out or not. In Fact, Many Circumstances May Affect the Terms of Liquidation of the Enterprise. If the Enterprise Has Debts, This Period May Increase. The Decision on Liquidation or Bankrupy Is Made for Many Reasons. The Most Important Thing Is to Perceive the Bankrupy of the Enterprise Not As Termination of Business in General, But As a, New Stage in Its Development.