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GOST 380-50 WAS SET (At the Request of the Customer) Shock Viscosity Only at Normal Temperature Along the Rental of 10 KGM/CM2 For Shape Metal and 8 KGM/CM2 For FOR SHET, ACROSS THE ACRESS THEM for a sheet of 7 kgm/cm2. According to the Proposals of the Center, it is Assumed for Calm Steel to Set the Shock Viscosity at a Low Temperature of -20 ° (Lower Tempertuer Is Difficult for Mass Tests) Assigning 5 KGM/CM2 for Shaped Metal, and for a Sheet of 4 and 3 KGM/CM2, Which Shoup Give The Highest Threshold of Calmness at a Temperature of 30-40 °. These Values ​​Are Very Insignificant, Especially for Calm Steel; This is Due to the fact that therma Marriage, Taking Into Account a Large Scatter of Shock Viscosity Values. The Average Value of the Shock Viscosity of the Martinovs Steel. 3 at a Temperature of -20 ° is ABOUT 7 KGM/CM2, and for the sheet is hagher than for the corners.