Green Roof

It is no secret that when arbarban squares, in Russia, Little Attend to How Much The Resulting Urbanized Environment Is Suitable for Peoples Living. That is the Every City Dwaller Knows Firsthand What Precious Are the Moments of Communication with Real Living Nature. Today, EVERY Owner of the Operated Roof Has the Opportunity to get its Own Piece of Wildlife. Green Roofs are Real Living Plants that Can Live in An Urban Environment, Being Planted in a Specially Preparte Soil for this this. The Experience of Breeding Plants on the Roof Came to Our Country From Europe, Where a Positive Has Been Accumulated For Consedarable Time and Modern Roof Landscap ING Technologies has been Developed in the Shortest Possible Time. At the Same Time, It is Quite Possible Once by Landscaping the Roof, Not to Pay Its Further Life ATTENSIONAL. In a special way, Selected Plant Varieties Able to Grow Independently, As Well as Reproduce, Without Requiring Care, Annual Landing, Watering. IF the Care of Plants Is Part of the Pleasure from the Green Roof, This Option is Also Possible, Althush It Will Require Preliminary Cheyling for Streling Strengththth.