Its Constitution Counter

But in the Modern World, of Course, EVERYTHING IS MORE THUGHT OUT AND IMPROPRE. In Modern Houses that Being Built Behind the City, The Drilling of Water Wells Became Fashionable, Which of Course is Much More Convenent. Water is Extract from the Underground Subsoil, Only One Owner Uses Its, Who Pierced the Well for Himself, and If IS Competent, The IT Necessarly Sets Himself a Meter, On The Mount of Water Consumption. But the IS a Certain Complexity in this, If the Consumption of Water in the House Is Not Large, The Water in the Well Stagnates and Becomes Not Tasty Consumption in Raw Form, SO Offen One Wells Drilling Into Several Houses, By Agreement Of the Hosts, But for Each Individual House Its Constitution Counter Is Set, and There Are No Quarrels Amount of Consumption.