Logical Maximum Architectural Nature

Logical Maximum Architectural Nature

According to the TK, The Entire Development Project is Divide into Three Quarters, and the Sequence of Construction Is Shown in the General Planner Wide Green Wedges. According to vladimir binedman, these wedges are not only facilitation the Visual Perception of Development, But Also Help with the Organization of Additional Restromo. The Wedges Symbolizing Alleys Are a Link Between Low -rise Buildings and the Main Route Inside The Village, Which is a Boulevard with Bihaffic Parallel to the Federal Highway Separating Towhaus and Residential Buildings with Apartments with Apartments. Boulevard Through The Checkpoint is Associated with A Bypass Road, and the Checkpoint Also Has Its Own Transition to the Shopping Centh THE RESIDENTS OF THE RESIDENTS GE and the Transit Along the Highway Can Get to the Highway. Both Buildings have the Same Architectural Solution to Create an Integral Image: A Triangular Shape and the Same Color Performance. The Gallery Connecting Them Looks Like a Barrier Standing at the Entrance to the Town.