Low price, and

To date, the building materials market offers us a very large range of goods that we may need in the process of insulation of the house. But, unfortunately, not one, even the most expensive material, can guarantee us 100 percent maintenance of heat indoors. Now there are more and more experts, are inclined to use old and long -proven methods of insulation of the house, using similar materials. One of these materials is chips or sawdust. Probably everyone knows that sawdust and chips are mined in the process of processing or processing wood. The only difference between them is the size. Sawdust smaller and have a fraction of no more than 3 centimeters. In turn, the chips that are used for insulation should not have a fraction of more than 5 centimeters. As you already, probably, understood such a material as sawdust has a low price, and at the same time differs in a huge number of positive qualities. The approximate cost of sawdust today ranges from 10 to 70 rubles per bag, and on large sawmills it is very often given for free. The main advantages of sawdust are ease of installation, as well as environmental cleanliness.