Manual Arc Welding

Manual Arc Welding

Nowadays, to Combine Structures from Reinforcent in Monolith Construction, Most Offten Use Manual Electric Arc Welding. This type of welding Found Application On Construction Sits When Performing Installation and Reinforcing Working. This type of welding significantly saves Materials, and Also Speeds Up the Installation of FormWork, Construction and Reinforcing Structures. This Method Is Used in Monolith Construction, Were The Strapping with Wire Is Replaced by Welding. Here They Use the Electrodes OPS-12 and MR-3. Such A Work Is Performed by A Team of Welders. Manual Welding Makes It Possible to Get Rather Strong Compounds, and In Addition to EVERYTHING, They Arens -RESISTANT and WATERPROOF. This fact is especially Valuable when Iron Sheon. Therefore, This Method Is Applicable During the Construction of Pipelines, The Production of Tanks and Other Things. Manual Welding Allows The Installation of Reinforcesement in Any Conditions. You Just Need to Stock Up on the Right Electrodes. This Method of Welding Works Allows You to Perform Any Reinforcing Structures in Complexity and Form, Were High Strength and Tightness are NEEEDEDEN. The Acquisition of Electrodes is not the Easiest Task. T. To. Today, Wide Metal Surfaces of the Roofs of Buildings, Which Are Subject to Manaufacture by Welding, Now Use New Welding Technologies and New Materials for Welding. There is a ceretain list of companies specializing in welding. SPECIALISTS of SUCH ANTERPRISE Will Give Any Comprehece Consultation On the Issue of Welding Work, Use of the Best Weldy For the Choice of Welding Equipment. The Use of A Strong Weld In Different Construction LEADS to An Increase In Labor Productivity and Reduces The Cost of Construction in General.