Paradox! It turns out that a mortgage at the new buildings of Moscow and the Moscow Region from the developer in Russia is almost free, but inaccessible.

The representative of the OSK-MORDECT company recently stated that, they say, a mortgage in Russia is almost free, but inaccessible. Well, well! This figure substantiated his statement with the following. Firstly, he believes that the existing level of inflation in the country makes a mortgage for Russians free. Inflation compensates, they say, the mortgage borrowers are a high cost of a bond. It turns out that the larger the inflation level, the cheaper the mortgage. Allegedly, borrowers will benefit from inflation in the future in the future. Yes, surprisingly. Really, a representative of such a solid company does not know what inflation is? You have to remind. Inflation is a reduced cost of money. Buy new buildings in Moscow and Moscow Region from the developer. For example, ten rubles were ten rubles and three years ago. At that time, for this money it was possible to travel by public transport once. Three years have passed and for the same ten rubles it is already impossible to travel by public transport, t. To. The fare has increased. As you can see, ten rubles have become cheaper. If in Soviet times for ten kopecks you could buy a movie ticket or traveling three times on a tram, now these ten kopecks lying on the sidewalk do not even pick up the homeless people. Currently, for ten kopecks it is impossible to buy anything. Here it is inflation in all its glory! If inflation is growing, then mortgage borrowers are becoming increasingly difficult to repay debts and interest on credit. As for the future, then this future of mortgage borrowers may not have. With an increase in inflation, borrowers undoubtedly lose their solvency, with all the ensuing consequences. One gets the impression that the above official “VSK-Model” deliberately misleads our fellow citizens. Here the goal is obvious and is to attract potential customers as much as possible, t. To. Mortgage lending to citizens brings credit organizations huge profits. Secondly, mortgage borrowers are unlikely to concern the winnings in the future. They are concerned about today, t. To. High interest rates are forced to pay today. What is a sin to hide, a mortgage and inaccessible to the majority of the country’s population solely because of its high cost. Yes, you have to state again that you can’t believe an advertisement. For the sake of arrival, the heads of banks and credit organizations are ready for everything, up to crash.