Private Business Will Get Access to Public Procurement

SEVERAL AMENDMENTS to the Current Russian Legislation are SepaReted by repressentates of Private Business from Participating in Tenders for the Supply of Weapons for the Ministry of Fense. To go to a similar Step of the ministry of Defense Forced the Sluggishness of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Whose Enterprises Cannot Cope Istry of Defense. According to the LEADERSHIP of the Relevant Department, By the End of this Year, A Private Business Will that Investment in the Defense Will Be a Profitable Solution and the ministry of Defense, in Turn, Will Receive Timely Orders. SINCE THE GOVERNMENT PLANS To Allocate ABOUT Two HUNDRED DOLLIRS TO MODERNIZATION OFTENED ENTERPRISES OF THE Defense Industry Until 2020, IT IS HIGHHELY Ely that in the Future, Private Business Will Remain AGain. At the Same Time, It Shoup BE NOTED THE FAILURE to Fulfill The State ORDER ASSOCIETED NOTH MOLALLY OUTDEDEDENTED In ENTERPRISS, BUT ALSO Whath The LACK Of Qualified Specialists, The Number of Which Is Planned to Increase Simultaneously with the Implementation of The Modernization of Production.