ReinForcement of Polystyrene Foam

Modern Methods of Thermal Insulation of Residential Buildings Allow You to Ustruded Polystyrene Foam to Carry Out EXTERNAL and IntERNAL WORN And Sound Insulation of the Floor, Protect the Foundation of Houses from Freezing. BUT AS A BUILDING MATERIAL, EXTRUDED POLYSTYRENE FOAM can have a LOT of ShortComings, SUCH AS: Low Strength, Short Durability, AS Well as High Deformation. Based on this, you can see know, The Process of Reinforces Polystyrene Foam Reinforcement is Necessary and Important. To Increase the Strength of the Thermal Insulation Layer, A Glass -flow Mesh and Glass Chloride are used. The Reinforcing Layer Must BE Glood with Special Heat -Resistant and Waterproof Glue, It Can Produed ON A Cement Basis.