Selection of Keywords for Mfa

Suppose You have Alread Registered in Google Adsense, Attached a Card to Paypal. The Next STEP In Creating Mfa is a choice by knowword you Will Promote the Site. Your site Will Be on What Positions in the Search Results Will Be in the Search Results. Respectively, The Higher the Site in the Issuance, The More Clicks On IT. The More Visitors, The More Advertising Clicks, and the Greater the Earnings of the Webmaster. HERE is Such A Simple System, So Much Depends on the Well -chosen Keyword. Having Chosen The Right Keyword, You Will Save Hundreds of Dollars that Will Havy to Be Spent If Youword Has too Much Competition, and You Need to Display THE SITE Least The Top Ten. To Better Understand the Key Selection Methodology, Let’s See What Mfa Development Methods are the Most Successful Today..ABOUT Three YEARS AGO, Commodity Niches Lost their Relevanse. These are mfa sites that was Creed for a Specific Product, Product. Their Advantage Was that Such Sites Had a High Ctr Indicator, As Well as a Greater Cost Per Click. The First Advantage Can BE Explained as Follows: the IS A SPECICA ManUFACTURER that Products or Service for Repairing PSP. The Manaufacturr Has a Site on Which He Provides Information Abo Each Unit of Goods. BUT NOT EVERY ManUFACTURER MADE A SEPARETE FOR Each Product Name — this is time -consuming, and the Aditional Costs. IT Was Much Easier to Launch Contextual Advertising for this Product. Therafore, An UnoCcupied Commodity Niche Was Taken, and Mfa Was Spacifically Pulled under it. The Second Advantage is Explained by the Fact that No one Loves to Waste Money. ONCE ONE SITE, VISITORS Will Surely Want to Click on Advertising to See More Offers for This Type of Product, and Get to the Manuapacturer’s Webssite, Where They Will Directly Make a Purchase. IF You Think Logically — Yes, this Method Really Costs Attendation. Butis is not so since Google Has Changed the Search Algorithms, Competition Grew (Almost All Niches Have Already Occupied, Anter the Appearation of News Ones, Theey Immedi Ately Understand The Fastest Webmasters). The Changed Algorithms in the Spring of 2010 Influence The Ranking, Lowering the Top Sits on Commodity Far Down. If earlier the main in ranging the Criterion Was the Relevance of the Page, Now it is the Age of the Site, and Its trist. In Addition, Earlier, If the Site Took Fiscist Or Third Place in the Issuance, It Had The Most Clicks. Now, whether Searching for Google, The Top and Side Column Is Hung with Advertising Manoufacturers of Goods, Which Reduces The Likelihood That Will Come To You, Despite Fact that your mfa is the first issue. The Method in Question, and the Current Methodology for Creating Mfa Can Bring to the Average Mfa (Subject to All Conditions) Up to $ 20-25 per day day. Whereas sites containing commodity nichees braings a maximum of $ 5.6 (and this is despite the fact that they are most Promoteed, Sit in the First Possitions).We Select Keywords Containing Questions. We are Talking ABOUT BANAL Things that Each Person Faces Daily. Klyucheviks Containing Questions “How, Were” — this is What We Need. How Lay Your Hair Correctly, How to Tie a Tie Beautifully, How to Break a Coconut Correctly, Were to Earn a Lot of Money, Where to find a Questions (Do Not Drive Into the Search Line ) EVERY DAY HUNDREDS of Thousands of PEOPLE THROUGOUT THE PLANET? You can Create A Site That Will Answer A Specific Question from and To. Only First You Need to Choose a Keyword, Which Will Be Competive, So that is Possible to go to the top. Key Selection Methodology. There are A Lot of Services that Can Become An Assistant When Choosing a Key Request. Choose Anyone at Your Discretion. Consider the Example of the Emrush Service. Com. We Drive Into A Special Line the Begining of the Keyword, For Example, “How to Get Rid” (In English, How to Get Rid of), and The Service Will Give Possible Endings (For Example, HOW to get rid of mosquitoes, and so on). Having Chosen One of the Keywords, You Can See The Statistics of What Compensed for this Keyword Awaits You. Your Goal Is to find Such a Keyword Who Has 250 Derivatives. Of these, the You Choose 20, or 30 That Will Suit You Most. We look at the number of regestes per month, and Select the Keyword, According to Which The Number of Recections ExcEEDS 1000 Per Month. Now a Little More. We Drive “How to Get” (Without Brackets, For Example), Lure to Search. As a Result, We See a List of 28 940 Potential Key Phrases. But for us this is a lot, so wectinue the search by pressing Full Report. As you can see, the Request Ised a Lot of Results “How to Get Rid of …»(From English, How to get rid of). Now We Copy this Phrase, and Insert Into the Search Window. We Observe The Result — 5124 Key Phrases. This is of cousse much Less than the previous result, but Still for a set is a lot. We Set the Goal of Finding Approximatly 250 Derivatives (You Can Less, You Can. TheFore, We Move On, Look for Key Phrases that Have More than 12,000 Queries. In OUR Case, One of these Phrases is how to get ri -ans (How to get rid of ants). We drive into the search, look: 125 Requests. This is suitable for us, Althrow it is not not necessary to work to all 125 keywords — Only for Those Have More than 1000 Reques Per Month. So, We Will Summarize. Choose a Keyword That Contains The Question Where, How, How Much, From the Smaller — To Greater. He Must Fall Under the Criteria: — More than 12,000 Requists (Per Month) — Approximatly 250 Derivatives — In the Top 10 There Should Not Be your Main Main Request etitors).- We look so that price for a clubs is than 70 centes. And do not forget that the correctly Selected Key Phras Almost Half the Success. Ifin Points are incomprehensible-can in the comments.