Single Pile with

Comparison of Calculated Precipitation in Time with Experimental Data Showed a Satiffactory Coincidence of the Predictable Speed ​​Sediment.

To confirm the laws discussed in this Associated with Processes Leaking in Clay Soils AFTER THEIR IMMMERSION, FIELD and Laboratory EXPERIMENTS ARE Ortance. Starting them, The Authors Were Fullly Aware of the Complexity and Variety of Conditions in the Piles Work in Clay Soils. The Piles Themselves Can Be Made of Various Materials, Have Different Shapes and Sizes, Plunge into the Ground In Various Wayys. In Turn, Clay Soils, In Which Piles are Immersed, Are No Lesse Diverse in Their Composition, Structure, Texture, Complexity, State and Properties, Theerfore the Main Goal of the Set Experiments Was to Study the Kinetics of Increasing the Bearing Capacy of a Single Pile with A Point Immersed in Claye Soil with Cloging.