Tiles of SunLight, All

Soft Bitumen Tiles or Shingles Is Made of Fiberglass, Previor Impregnated with Modified Bitumen. The Upper Layer Consists of Basalt Sprinkling, Which Protects The Material from the Effects of Weather Conditions. The Lower Part of Its a Self -adhesive Surface, Which is Protected by a Light -removable Film. WHEN EXPOSED to stocked tiles of SunLight, All Layers of Shingles Glue Into a Single Canvas, Which Cannstand Temperature Changes, and Fluid Gusts of Winds D SnowFalls. The Installation of Flexible Tiles of the Shinglass Has a Number of Its Features. If the roof angle is Less than Eighteen Degrees, The Entire Continous Surface of the Slope. With a roof slope angle of more than eighteen degrees, a Layer of Lining Materials Will Havy to BE Increased to Forty Millimeters. IS Necessary to Lay it in Potential Leaks, Also Taking Into Account End Overhangs and Cornice Areas.