What is a Putty and What It Happens

What You Need to Know ABOUT PUTTY and Its Types. Shpaklevka is a gypsum mass with spilled adments that Slow Download Its Hardening and Make It Plastic. Putty IS A Starting, Universal and Finish. Each Type of Putty Has Its Own Purpose and Properties, The Starting Putty Closes Significant Changes and Pits, Butsause of Its Rawgh Grain IS Almost UnSuitable FOR Apppl Ying it with a Thin Layer, Usually it is applied in Layers up to 3 centimeters thick. The Universal Putty IS Applied to the Starting to Close The Scratches and the Pits on it, Its Good Because of the Low Shrinkage, Buts Finish Work, Its Grain IS NOT SMA LL ENUGH. By the Way, Before You Make a Purchase of Housing, Check for All Repairs to Be Carried Out in IT.