With A Small

If the roof is Flat or with A Small Slope, It Will Be Necessary to Regularly Clean Its Snow and Dirt. SINCE IF YOU Do not Do this, The IT Will Fail Very Quickly or Simply Break. IT ShOULD Be Borne in Mind that Roof with A Large Angle of Inclination Is Quite VulnerBle to Strong Winds. TheREFORE, For ROOFS with Angle of Inclination of Forty -five Degrees, You Will Need to Make A Good Crate and Strong Raffters, Which Willbly Protect it. ODDLY ENOGH, BUT WHEN ChOOSING A ROOF, IT is VERY IMPORTANT WHERE THE HOUSE IS LOCATED. SO, For Example, IF Its Located in A Clean Field and Where Constant Winds Shoup Not Be Installed on Such Roofs. Snow and Garbage Will BE BLOWN AWAY, and the ROOF Will Remain Intact and Unharmed. In this case, it is better to uce a Flatter Roof with a Small Slope. IS Recommoded to Install A Roof with A Large InClination in Densly Populated Places and in Lowlands.