Analysis of the Development of Hotel Business

A large Segment of the Commercial Real Estate Market Belongs to the Hotel Business. It is quite difficult to Predict the Development Trends of this Business Sphere, TheFore WeLL PROVIDE YOUR ATTENSIONAL A BREEF OVERVIEW OF ITS CURENT STATE. Over The Past Year, Investing in the Hotel Business Has Almost Doubled, Only ABOUT ThREE and HALF MILLIONE EUROS WERE Invested HERE. The Hotel Market of Great Britain Showed the Greatest Activity, Although He Experienced Great Stress. Squeezed Sufficiently Large Amounts of Investment Were Invested in the Construction of Hotels in Germany and France, Where this amounted 800 Million. Euro. The Main Last Year’s Trend Was the Presentflow of Foreign Investments in this Industry. For Example, Investments of the United States in the European Real Estate Market Decreased BY 68% Compared to the Previous Period. Investors from the Middle East Do Not Change their Preferences, They Reduced Their Investments by Only 14%. The Profitability of European Hotels Has Significantly Decreased, Which Led to a Tangible Decrease in Their Value. Compared with Rising Price Last Year, then it Exceeds The Current One by 12%. Analysts Predict for this An Increase in the Number of Contracts, And, Accordingly, The Amounts of Investments.