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Which is better self -loading or manipulator?

Self -loading, it is a universal machine that is used for loading, unloading and transportation of various cargoes weighing no more than ten tons. Very often, with the help of self -loading, cabins, machines and building materials are moved. To date, the automobile market presents a huge assortment of such machines. Most often, it is customary to divide them in this way, say, views depending on the carrying capacity. Self -loaders are available, capable of lifting weight from 3 to 20 tons. In addition to all this, they may differ in a long body, it can be from 4 to 9 meters. The difference may also be present in the width of the body. Self -loaders with a body of 2 to 2.5 meters are made. The height of the body can also be different. To date, a self -loading with sides of about 1.5 meters has been made. In turn, a crane installation may have a carrying capacity of not more than 10 tons, and the height of the arrow does not exceed 18 meters.