Start for the Housing Market of Suburban Housing

An Important Role Is Ocupied by the Aesthetics of the Village in General, Expressed by Unity in the Architectural Style, Competent Ratio and Location of Public Zones And Individu Al HouseHolds, Design and Quality of Their Improvement. The Buyer of the Business Class Household Be Able to Use The Latest Achieves of Technological Progress, Which Means that He Must Have Certain ComPonents in His Own Houses Hold for Comfortable Residence, Such AS A Pool, A Climate Control System, Landscape Lighting, A Sauna , a Carolit System and Much More. In Order to Satiffy these Needs, A Suburban Cottage Village, Which Has Orientation on Such a Buyer, IS Oblight to have the Necessary Communications of the Proper Level. The Power Supply in the Village ShoupHstand The Alleged Load, Telecommunications Shoup Work Uninterruptely, and Water Shouls to Water The Lawns.