They Must Have

Before Starting the Staircase, You Need to Choose Bricks, They Must Have Even Ribs and Ends, Without Cracks and Chips. AFTER You NEED To PREPARE An Incline Base of Small Missile Stone 15 CM. The Base is Compacted and Placed with A Solution with a Layer of 1-2 CM and the first Brick is placed on it with aam of 10 mm. AFTER THE FIRST STEP IS Ready, We Proced to the Second, It Must BE Done Carefolly So as Not to Damage The First STEP, BECAUSE THE SOLUTION HAS NOT HARDENED AND THI Sed to Strengthen The First STEP, Which ShOLD Be Installed Along The Riser, and the Pegs that Pulled Out Are Tightned from the Sides Rope a Bow. The Following Steps Are Made in the Same Way. Between Bricks, The Seams Shoup Be Filled with A Flush Solution and Dry Cement.